Sunday, May 27, 2012

Color Me Rad and a [Not So] Colorful Smoothie

Yesterday was quite the eventful day here in Hartford.  One of my best friends came in to visit from NJ and we ran in my first ever 5K called Color Me Rad.  Now if you readers have ever heard of Day Glo - this race is basically the Day Glo of runs.  For those who haven't heard of either, let me enlighten you...

This is us when we started.

This is me at the end of the race.
Basically, as you're running your 3.1 miles, colored cornstarch is being thrown at you from all directions.  There are kids, babies, teens, adults, men in tutus who all run the race so it's a super high energy, fun race.  On a side note, I ran it in 27 mins and 15 seconds... let me do the math for you - that's a 8 min, 47 second pace for almost 30 mins consistently).  As a non-runner before this event, and 50+ lbs heavier, I am so proud of myself and have to brag just a little.

This brings me to the recipe.  How did we start our day off here?  With a healthy breakfast smoothie of course!!  Here's the recipe I threw together for Steph...

  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 tsp nutmeg*
  • 1-2 pkts truvia*
  • 1/2-1 cup spinach 
*Optional (and highly recommended) - Use 1 tbl of Cookie Butter from Trader Joe's instead as both a sweetener and a dose of healthy protein and good fats.


Add all ingredients to the blender (starting with the liquid ingredients first).  Blend until smooth.  Keep in mind, this won't come out a bright pretty color, but it sure does taste good!


Frozen Bananas - I don't eat bananas nearly quick enough before they go brown and die on me.  What I've learned to do... when they brown past eating ability, chop them up into bite size pieces and then stick them in the freezer.  By chopping them up first, it will be way easier to use in future recipes from smoothies to banana bread.

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